A New Year, New Thinfinity Releases
A new year has begun, and soon we will publish new Thinfinity releases of our HTML5 web enabling solutions.
We’ve been announcing in our latest blog entries some of the enhancements that will be introduced by the end of this quarter. However, we don’t want to wait that long to make new versions available.
We’ve already generated new versions of all the Thinfinity product line. Among the most outstanding features, we want to mention the enhanced Gateway, now available for both Thinfinity VirtualUI and Thinfinity Remote Desktop Server.
We’ve also added some improvements and fixes that will benefit those IT fellows who integrate our Remote Desktop Server to their cloud solutions. Coming soon, the next build will also include a new SDK with the ability to send and receive messages in cross-window/cross-frame environments. This capability has been one of the main requests done by IT managers.
Another technical improvement is the remote detection of the available keyboards where Thinfinity Remote Desktop is running. Up until today, these keyboards had to be chosen from a preset list.
One time connections —OTURL or One-Time URL connections— are used by many of our users as an integrated solution. We improved its process so that it now prevents the loss of the session upon involuntary disconnection, which can be caused, for example, by a page reload.
We also included technical enhancements in Thinfinity VirtualUI that will allow you to reach a much better performance while consuming less resources. This is important in terms of enabling the execution of more simultaneous processes. Together with the Gateway improvements, VirtualUI is now a more stable and powerful HTML5 web enabling solution.
These are just some of the first improvements and fixes that we’ve already started to distribute among our clients.
Each week we will publish those ideas that we are, little by little, making come true. We are very interested in sharing them with customers and partners, even when they are not finished. We know how productive the exchange with our users can be.
And, of course, we will also write in detail about features that are already available for general use.
A new year has started. With it, we renew our commitment to make the Thinfinity product family a standard in application and remote environments HTML5 integrations.
Stay tuned!
Thinfinity VirtualUI
As you already know, Thinfinity VirtualUI is a web-enabling SDK to run apps on a browser without rewriting the code.
If you’re a GitHub user, you may want to check our VirtualUI GitHub project.
Remote Access Solutions
Want to learn more about our remote access applications?
We will be happy to assist you and show you our portfolio for remote desktop, screen sharing, and digital workspace.
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