In this article, we will briefly describe How to create a desktop shortcut to Thinfinity® VirtualUI.
1. Go to the desired URL, and then click on the three dots at the end of the URL bar, select “More tools”, then “Create shortcut…”
2. A dialog will pop up.
3. Once you’ve hit “Create” you’ll find the icon on your desktop. Your desktop shortcut is ready. Double-click on it to open your Thinfinity® VirtualUI landing page directly.
1. Go to the desired URL, and then click on the padlock icon on the left of the address bar (where the URL is shown):
2. While still holding the mouse button down, move the pointer to the desktop, then release the mouse button.
3. The shortcut will be created on your desktop:
4. Your desktop shortcut is ready. Double-click on it to open your Thinfinity® VirtualUI landing page directly.
1. Go to the desired URL, and then click on the three dots at the end of the URL bar, select “Apps”, then “Install this site as an app”
2. This dialog will pop up, click install:
3. Once you’ve installed the app, you go to the three dots again, “Apps”, and then “Manage Apps”, this screen will show, right-click on the selected option:
4. Select “Create Desktop shortcut”, and voilà!
5. Your shortcut is ready. Double-click on it to open your Thinfinity® VirtualUI landing page directly.
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