Windows-to-Web solution for FMX / Delphi apps

Introducing WebFMX, the new HTML5-Remoting solution for Delphi® FireMonkey® framework

Introducing WebFMX, the new HTML5-Remoting solution for Delphi® FireMonkey® framework

We’re pleased to announce WebFMX, the new Windows-to-web solution that enables applications built with the Delphi FireMonkey framework, to be accessed from anywhere and on any device.

FireMonkey is a modern framework that is fully oriented to produce cross­-platform apps, using drawing techniques that are common to most modern GPU­enabled APIs on every major platform. Remoting Firemonkey HD­based apps to the HTML5 canvas is direct and natural, allowing to get a nearly local rendering performance.

Some of the WebFMX features are:

    * Cross-Browser, Cross-Device, and Cross-Platform client
    * Remote PDF printing
    * Open File redirection to allow upload files from the client machine
    * Download file method
    * RemoteInfo object, with information about the browser
    * Application timeout management, to allow regain control of an application when the connection was lost.
    * RemoteInfo object, with information about the browser
    * MessageDialog and InputQuery implementation.
    * RemoteInfo object, with information about the browser
    * Font modes: WebFont and Bitmap font.
    * RemoteInfo object, with information about the browser
    * Events to control resizing, termination, and web fonts.
    * RemoteInfo object, with information about the browser
    * JavaScript SDK Library.

We’ll be releasing a new revised beta version in a couple of days. If you are interested, please send us a message at [email protected]

Best regards,
Gustavo Ricardi
CEO/CTO at Cybele Software, Inc.

WebFMX v1.0 has been upgraded to Thinfinity® VirtualUI™.
Read more about the upgrade notice: WebFMX now becomes Thinfinity VirtualUI.
Read more about Thinfinity® VirtualUI™: by clicking here. A PR can be found on this link.
Contact us to upgrade your old WebFMX license: [email protected]

Thinfinity Solutions for remote desktop, screen sharng, digital workspace and application virtualization.

Thinfinity Solutions

As you already know, Thinfinity VirtualUI is a web-enabling SDK to run apps on a browser without rewriting the code. On the other hand, Thinfinity Remote Desktop is a remote access, desktop delivery, and app publishing solution.

Explore our remoting and web-enabling solutions, enjoy our free trials, or request a custom demo HERE. No commitment!

We will be happy to assist you and show you our portfolio for remote desktop, screen sharing, digital workspace, and application virtualization.

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June 18, 2013 at 4:55 am

Bom Caros amigos O Delphi está cada vez melhor estão de parabéns eu inclusive estou fazendo um book com as novidades do Delphi e conforme vou aprendendo com FireMonkey vou postar para todos inclusive estou fazendo uns aplicativos para iphone e assim que estiver concluindo vamos crescer cada vez mais ainda mais quando tiver um book do Delphi XE2 agradeço a todos por acreditar no Delphi como eu só tenho que agradecer Embarcadero por dar essa continuidade e o David I que está desde o começo do Delphi mais uma Vez Muito Obrigado.

June 17, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Well, you got my attention. And I’m fed up with evoreyne trying to show off the flashiness of FireMonkey’s graphics.Instead, I’d like to see someone show us how to take a mature Delphi 2009 application that has all the bells and whistles, and convert it so it will work in Firemonkey and on all the platforms Firemonkey will support. This means the install procedure, integrated context-sensitive help file, web update, ribbon, 3rd-party tree/gridview, 3rd-party WYSIWYG editor, keyboard shortcuts, file search routine, message handling, idle event handling, etc., need to all work on all platforms.This is the task I’m faced with. I don’t care about contests for cool looking but useless apps.How about at least telling me if Helpinator will provide context-sensitive help from a FireMonkey app compiled for Win32, Win64, Mac, iOS, and soon Android and Unix. Personally, I don’t know anything about Help files on non-Windows platforms, but if I am to convert to FireMonkey, I’ll need a help system that works with it.

June 17, 2013 at 9:27 am

Fiquei com algumas dúvidas. Sobre o FireMonkey uma curiosidade são componentes como o INDY, synapse, acesso ao Spool do Windows e apesar de não ter conhecimento algum de Mac acredito que o mesmo deve ter um tipo Spool para controle de impressão, como isso será feito no FireMonkey ?? ou seja quando parte para gerencimento de Hardware, impressão, internet como o FireMonkey vai trabalhar a esse respeito ou a forma que já usamos continuara para as outras plataformas com os Componentes já usados. Sobre o Fast Report 5 será que nessa versão quando abrirmos o Designer dele teremos acesso aos eventos e objetos pelo Delphi ou vai continuar em modo Modaltendo que ser feito o acesso atraves de FindObject em particular tinha muitos relatorios no QuickReport usando muitos eventos e a migração para o Fast Report 3 na epoca era muito complicada pois teria que mexer muito no codigo devido essa forma diferente de acesso que o Fast Report tem assim optei por migrar para o Report Builder que apesar de ser muito semelhante ao Fast Report tem o acesso simplificado aos Objetos e eventos atraves do delphi assim como o QuickReport.

April 8, 2013 at 12:42 pm

It uses a PDF printer and sends the resulting pages to the browser for local printing.

March 21, 2013 at 5:14 pm

How does this handle printing and printer mapping?

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<span>Delphi</span>, <span>FireMonkey (FMX)</span>, <span>HTML5 Conversion</span>, <span>Independent software Vendor (ISV)</span>, <span>IT Developer</span>, <span>SDK</span>, <span>Secure Application Delivery</span>, <span>Thinfinity VirtualUI</span>, <span>Web-Based Applications</span>, <span>WebFMX</span>