powerful cross-device, cross-browser remote access tool

How to Customize the toolbar in Thinfinity® Workspace

How to Customize the toolbar in Thinfinity® Workspace


Thinfinity® Workspace v6.0 comes with great new features and one of them is the Toolbar customization. You can customize the toolbar parameters and restrict partially or totally the user’s options by eliminating buttons from the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar’s defaults.

In this guide, we will show you how to do it and give you a list of the different features.

Originally, the way that the toolbar is shown will be something like this:

Customize the toolbar in Thinfinity Remote Workspace, step 01

Customizing your Toolbar

In order to start customizing the Toolbar, we will have to open the file web.settings.js.rdp.js located in:

C:\Program Files\Thinfinity\Workspace\web.settings.js on a text editor.

Once the file is open, we will see something like this:

Customize the toolbar in Thinfinity Remote Workspace, step 02

Observe on the code above that for the toolbarRestrictions parameter, all the options are included for visibility purposes.  

To customize your Toolbar, the only thing you will have to do, is to add the restriction after :  “toolbarRestrictions: [

In this example, I will show you how to hide the ‘Actions’ button in the menu:

var web.settings.jsvm = {

        createToolbar: true,

        toolbarVisible: true,

        toolbarRestrictions: [




On the text editor after you set the parameter it should look like this:

Customize the toolbar in Thinfinity Remote Workspace, step 03

Now, click save, and to ensure it updates you can restart the Thinfinity® Workspace manager service, and refresh your browser.

When you access the browser and connect to your desktop, the Toolbar will look like this:

Customize the toolbar in Thinfinity Remote Workspace, step 04

In the following table you can find a description of each parameter along with its type/format and default value.

  • createToolbar

Set to “false” to have all the Thinfinity® Workspace connections not have the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar above the remote desktop. This is useful if you want to keep users from sending keystroke combinations

Default: true

Type/Format: boolean: true,false

  • toolbarVisible

Set to true to have the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar start expanding. Without modifying this value, the toolbar will start to collapse, and the user needs to click on a button to expand it. This is useful if you think the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar settings should be displayed, so it’s more evident to users.

Default: true

Type/Format: boolean: true,false

  • toolbarRestrictions

Set to true to have the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar start expanding. Without modifying this value, the toolbar will start to collapse and the user needs to click on a button to expand it. This is useful if you think the Thinfinity®  Workspace toolbar

Default: true

Type/Format: boolean: true,false


In the following table, you can find a description of each of the toolbarRestrictions values you can use to restrict certain buttons or menues of the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar. Notice that sub menus and options within menus have the parent menu name as part of their name. This will help you read the value list.



  • “actionsMenuBtn”

Eliminates the “Actions” menu and all its options from the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.refresh”

Eliminates the “Refresh” option from the ‘Actions’ menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.ssnShareBtn”

Eliminates the “Share Session” option from the ‘Actions’ menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.sendKeysBtn”

Eliminates the “Send Keys…” sub menu and all its options from the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.sendKeysBtn.ctrlAltDelBtn”

Eliminates the “Ctrl + Alt + Del” option from the “Send Keys…” sub menu in the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.sendKeysBtn.ctrlEscBtn”

Eliminates the “Ctrl + Esc” option from the “Send Keys…” sub menu in the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.sendKeysBtn.shiftCtrlEscBtn”

Eliminates the “Shift + Ctrl + Esc” option from the “Send Keys…” sub menu in the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.sendKeysBtn.windowsExplorerBtn”

Eliminates the “Shell Explorer” option from the “Send Keys…” sub menu in the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.sendKeysBtn.runBtn”

Eliminates the “Shell Explorer” option from the “Send Keys…” sub menu in the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.sendKeysBtn.altTabBtn”

Eliminates the “Alt + Tab” option from the “Send Keys…” sub menu in the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.sendKeysBtn.altShiftTabBtn”

Eliminates the “Alt + Shift + Tab” option from the “Send Keys…” sub menu in the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity®  Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.sendKeysBtn.altEscBtn”

Eliminates the “Alt + Esc” option from the “Send Keys…” sub menu in the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.sendKeysBtn.leftWinBtn

Eliminates the “Left Win Key” option from the “Send Keys…” sub menu in the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.sendKeysBtn.rightWinBtn”

Eliminates the “Right Win Key” option from the “Send Keys…” sub menu in the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “actionsMenuBtn.viewOptionsBtn”

Eliminates the “View params & layout” option from the “Actions” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “fileMenuBtn”

Eliminates the “File Transfer” menu and all its options from the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “fileMenuBtn.fileManBtn”

Eliminates the “File Manager” option from the “File Transfer” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “fileMenuBtn.uploadBtn”

Eliminates the “Upload” option from the “File Transfer” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “fileMenuBtn.downloadBtn”

Eliminates the “Download” option from the “File Transfer” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “optionsMenuBtn”

Eliminates the “Options” menu and all its options from the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “optionsMenuBtn.scaleBtn”

Eliminates the “Scale” option from the “Options” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “optionsMenuBtn.imgQualityBtn”

Eliminates the “Image Quality” sub menu and all its options from the “Options” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “optionsMenuBtn.imgQualityBtn.imgQHighestBtn”

Eliminates the “Highest” option from the “Image Quality” sub menu in the “Options” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “optionsMenuBtn.imgQualityBtn.imgQOptimalBtn”

Eliminates the “Optimal” option from the “Image Quality” sub menu in the “Options” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “optionsMenuBtn.imgQualityBtn.imgQGoodBtn”

Eliminates the “Good” option from the “Image Quality” sub menu in the “Options” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “optionsMenuBtn.imgQualityBtn.imgQPoorBtn”

Eliminates the “Poor” option from the “Image Quality” sub menu in the “Options” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • “optionsMenuBtn.keyboardMode”

Eliminates the “Disable Shortcuts” option from the ‘”Options” menu in the Thinfinity® Workspace toolbar.

  • disconnectBtn

Eliminates the “Disconnect” menu from the Thinfinity®  Workspace toolbar.

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