troubleshoot port-binding errors Thinfinity Workspace

How to troubleshoot port binding errors on Thinfinity® Workspace

How to troubleshoot port binding errors on Thinfinity® Workspace

In this guide, we will explain how to troubleshoot port binding errors in Thinfinity® Workspace. 

The port binding is the configuration information that determines where and how a message will be sent or received. Some binding errors on the Thinfinity Workspace log will show an error on the landing page.

The most common errors are

  • Binding port:9443 with error:5
  • Binding port:9443 with error:183

In this case, we’ll use the default port for Remote Workspace, port 9443, as an example.

This would apply to any port assigned on the General tab of the Configuration Manager.

Troubleshoot port binding errors on Thinfinity Remote Workspace, step 01

By clicking on the “Show Log” button found in the bottom left corner of the VirtualUI Manager window, you’ll display the log. If you see error 183, please follow these steps:

Troubleshoot port binding errors on Thinfinity Remote Workspace, step 02

  1. Open Command Prompt window as an Administrator and type:

netsh http show urlacl | find “9443” (or the port configured on Remote Workspace)

  1. This will result in something similar to the screenshot below:

Reserved URL: https://*:9443

Troubleshoot port binding errors on Thinfinity Remote Workspace, step 03

  1. Use the following command to unbind this port:

netsh http delete urlacl url=http://*:9443/

Bear in mind, the URL has to match the one listed as Reserved URL

For binding error 5, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator and type:

netstat -ano | find “9443”

  1. This should return something similar to the screenshot below:

Troubleshoot port binding errors on Thinfinity Remote Workspace, step 04

The last column lists the PID (process ID), which can be used to check which process is occupying this port and stopping it, like so:

Troubleshoot port binding errors on Thinfinity Remote Workspace, step 05

Keep in mind that Thinfinity uses ‘http.sys’ as a Microsoft web service component, and as such, it will be named as “System”.

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